Monday, April 25, 2011

Straw hat refashion

Hi guys! Another retrospective post - A few months ago, my friend Brenda had a hat party, with the emphasis on hats you never usually dared to wear outside.. Now I like hats, and have quite a few, but I wear them all.. clearly something needed to be done! I decided to try and do something with the only hat I owned that I didn't wear-mainly because it looked terrible on me! It was a really floppy back straw sunhat, that I had never worn as it tended to flop over my face and gene-ally look awful.  I decided to refashion it, into the sort of hat that I would love to own but would probably ever dare wear- an old fashioned semi bonnet style number. Ever since I was a little cild reading period novels, I have always fancied being a feisty heroine in a hat that tipped over one eye.. and so I made one!

before- I look like an idiot.

The construction was fairly straightforward, I basically cut the back of the brim off, and stuck it to the front brim with glue, shaping the edges, and then sewed through both layers and round the raw edges with black thread to hold the whole thing together. I then wove some thin wire through the brim to stiffen it more, and added a wide black ribbon.

after- feisty heroine! 

I could probably have added stiffer wire, as the tipping over one eye thing got slightly annoying after a  few hours, but overall I felt fabulous!

More on the blog

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a great idea for a hat party. I love the idea of a feisty heroine bonnet.

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