Thursday, April 28, 2011

Boot Fix

Hi! Erica here again. My second project, involved a shoe fix. These boots were purchased 3 years ago. They were my ultimate boots throughout pregnancy during winter months.

I wore them to death, look at the state of their heels...

Taking some fabric from my stash, which used to be material covering a toiletry bag in a state of disrepair. 20c op shop purchase of course.

I used Mod Podge, and black craft ribbon, to cover the damaged heels.

Happy new shoes! Blogged here


Sandy said...

Wow. that's a stunning change.

Do be careful in the rain/snow because the Mod Podge can be affected by water. you might want to put some sort of shoe wax over it.
Sandy in the UK

Unknown said...

Thanks Sandy, I'll bear that in mind, appreciated!!

two birds said...

i love this idea...i have a pair of boots that could definitely use this cute fix!

Corina said...

I've rejected many a thriftstore pair of boots due to damage. This opens up a whole new world.

Refashion said...

I'm with Reverse Fashion on this one! I'm going to have to look at my shoesies and see if any of them are ready for this treatment. :)

-Jillian, EOD

Refashion said...

Erg...I meant Reverse Clothing. :)

Slow Fashioned said...

Such a great idea! I love how you extended the life of your shoes! And getting the same repair done by a professional would have cost you $80 or more!

Huli said...

love this!