Friday, June 14, 2024

Bassinet Sheets to Pajamas

 Hello Refashion Co-op. I was given these adorable cotton knit bassinet sheets (Made by Poppi and Max) and I used the to make some fun pajamas. 

I really needed some summer pajamas.
I cut all the elastic off the edges of the sheets and tried to plan what I wanted to do with each piece.  
I used the Luna Tank Pattern from Helen's Closet Patterns. I wanted tank tops because I am a hot sleeper. Te pattern also worked well with the small pieces of fabric. I could use one bassinet sheet for the front of the tank top and one for the back. 

I made the shorts up as I went along. 
I love them all. They are soft and cozy. These giraffe pajamas are my favorites though. Thanks for reading along, for more pictures and details go to I Can Work With That.

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